

Burlington Electric Department and Vermont Gas


Energy and Utilities

The Challenge:

How do we motivate landlords to weatherize tenant units to make them more energy efficient? The cost savings are passed along to the tenant, but the expense is the landlord’s burden – it’s a classic split incentive.

Our Solution:

We created an out-of-the-box outreach campaign using game motivational tools such as status seeking and collaboration to challenge the whole community to reach a goal together. We identified the target demographic as one that would respond well to status symbols and a sense of cooperation in a community setting towards a goal. This let us come up with the Energy Champ Challenge, an effort to “challenge” landlords in the area to become Energy Champs by a certain date. We set a goal and a deadline, and offered Energy Champ Status to anyone participating. Energy Champs received a badge that they can display on their buildings or promotional materials to show off their building and their own energy efficiency.

The Results:


Inquiries in 2014


Inquiries in 2015

With the Energy Champ Challenge we were able to dramatically increase the appeal and interest of this program and multiply the number of inquiries the company’s received, which in turn as the upgrades are completed will result in serious energy savings for the community.